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stephen saletta has been recording small studio and commercial studio albums since 2005. Some albums are relatively lo-fi and some were mastered and produced by sophisticated professional recording engineers. some tracks and takes were done in hotel rooms in mexico. All albums are available on most music distribution platforms (Spotify, youtube, itunes, amazon, and tiktok). however, The go-to place for hearing Stephen Saletta's diverse pantheon of recordings (both solo and band projects) is either spotify or youtube. just A few tracks are available here.

going from my head
to your head (2001)

songs (2005)

albumal real (2006)
Awesome day

the phantabulous
phil's world (2007)
enter juniper groove

out of the blue (2012)
Diamond in the Rough
(redux) (2020)
Coco Ho, (Parts 1, 2,
and 432)

six bat songs (2002)

Echojam 20-05 (2005)

songing from a house
overlooking a
sleeping figure (2006)

Echojam 20-07 (2007)

rock river (2019)
White majesty beastress meistress

Hotel calidose arcos (2020)

the moon of cherries blackening (2020)
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